Careers Have Types, Too

Most of us are familiar with the above picture. It delivers the encouraging message that success is a messy affair full of stops, false starts, and wrong turns – only appearing as a straight line afterwards. We tend to smooth out all the squiggles in post(-production). Since North Americans frequently view career success as a …

Newsletter Announcement: Synthesis & Emergence

I’m starting a newsletter titled Synthesis & Emergence, delivered on Sunday evenings. The focus will be on technology, finance, and philosophy. The first issue is already complete and will be available tomorrow, May 10th. Why a newsletter? I was inspired by something Perell wrote about not merely consuming, but also creating: Don’t fall into the …

Happy International Coffee Day!

Apparently, October 1st is International Coffee Day. Launched in Milan by the International Coffee Organization, the first took place in 2015. In celebration of this heavenly brew of productivity and joy, I will share some personal stories involving coffee. As a kid, coffee held the mystique of an “adult drink”, even more so than beer. …